Winter Horse Care
Winter Horse Care
When the harsh winter months arrive, it is very important to ensure the health of your equine friend. Here are some tips for proper winter horse care.
Winter Rugging
If you’re bundling up to head out to the barn, it’s crucial to ensure that your horse is properly bundled up as well!
Of course, you will want to pay close attention to the weather to ensure you are properly blanketing your horse. Below are the rugging suggestions for each temperature range:
- Lightweight Rugs: 40-50 degrees (unclipped horses), 30-40 degrees (clipped horses)
- Medium Rugs: 30-40 degrees (clipped horses), 20-30 degrees (unclipped horses)
- Medium Rugs: 30-40 degrees (clipped horses), 20-30 degrees (unclipped horses)
- Heavy Rugs: 20-30 degrees (clipped), 10-20 degrees (unclipped)
Winter Hoof Care
Here are some ways to practice proper winter hoof care for your horse:
- Have the farrier come out in the fall before bad weather hits and try to maintain as regular of a schedule with them as possible
- Winter brings on wet conditions; make sure your horse isn’t spending large amounts of time out in the mud
- Ensure that your horse’s stall always has warm and dry bedding
- Diligently maintain the property; hidden rocks, branches and pitfalls beneath the snow can pose a large risk

HOOF-it: Best Online Equine Hoof Care Store
With the information you have learned here, you will be well-equipped for keeping your horse healthy and happy during the winter months.
For all things equine hoof care, trust in Hoof-It.
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