Horseshoes for Sale | HOOF-it Natural Flex

Available in US Sizes 00-11 - Size ranges from Small Ponies to Draft Horses.
Sold by the pair (2 shoes)
How would HOOF-it Natural Flex Rubber Horseshoes help your horse?
♦ Lighter weight benefits both stride and hoof.
♦ Reduced concussion by as much as 60% means fewer impact injuries.
♦ Frog support improves circulation and stimulates hoof growth.
♦ Durability, HOOF-it® Natural Flex Plastic Horseshoes, are tough and are guaranteed for one full shoeing (6 to 8 weeks). Most of our customers will get at least one reset out of them (2 full shoeings and sometimes more).
♦ Increase traction on all terrain that helps prevents injuries to your horse both under saddle and during turn-out. Draft horses and all horses ridden on pavement perform far better when shod with composite horseshoes. Composite horseshoes provide therapeutic benefits for chronic conditions such as ringbone, laminitis and navicular disease. Traditional nail placement is easy due to the transparency of the shoes.
The HOOF-it® Natural Flex Composite Horseshoe The HOOF-it® Natural Flex Composite Horseshoe is made from a plastic composite material that provides excellent shock absorption and therapeutic hoof support to your horse. The shoe is easy to fit, shape, and nail, and works well on all surfaces and terrain. We are pleased to offer US sizes 00 – 10 for this product. How will composite horseshoes benefit your horse? While HOOF-it® Natural Flex Composite Horseshoes offer many benefits to your horse, here are a few that stand out to experts and valued customers alike:
- HOOF-it composite shoes are durable, lasting an average of 6-8 weeks.
- Traditional nail placement is made easy due to the clear color of the horseshoe.
- Lighter weight benefits for both stride and hoof.
- Reduced concussion by as much as 60% resulting in fewer impact injuries.
- Frog support helps to improve overall circulation, which has been documented in thermal imaging studies and also helps to stimulate hoof growth.
- Helps to reduce pain or discomfort from chronic conditions such as ringbone, laminitis, and navicular disease.
- Increased traction on all terrains helping to prevent injuries to your horse both under the saddle, and during turnout.
How flexible are HOOF-it® Natural Flex Composite Horseshoes?
Research has shown that soundness problems increase when a horse is shod with materials that are too soft and don’t offer enough traction. In response to this problem, HOOF-it developed the composite plastic material used on our horseshoes to mimic the natural shore hardness of a healthy hoof. This latest development in horseshoe technology accommodates the shore hardness of a healthy hoof without the unforgiving nature of metal horseshoes.
“One of the things we immediately noticed was the fact that our horses had much less slipping than the horses from other agencies that were using steel shoes, barium shoes, or a combination (steel with barium tips). Our horses definitely had better footing, which was a great advantage! The shoes have been extremely durable while remaining flexible, which is healthier for the hoof. We are very pleased with the performance of your HOOF-it Composite Shoes, and plan to continue use in the future.” Officer Angela M. Dodge Minneapolis Police Department Mounted Patrol Unit Coordinator “Not only did these shoes prove to be more sufficient on the trail, but they also helped tremendously on the joints and tendons of the horses. We are extremely impressed with your product, and hope to be in more races to promote the HOOF-it shoes.” Beth
Shining Light Ranch
“We do a lot of trail riding in the Sierras for pleasure and we are also members of the El Dorado County Search and Rescue Mounted Team, so we cover a lot of rocky trails and slippery granite. We love the fact that our horses have traction on granite and pavement while other horses are practically “ice skating” on slick surfaces wearing metal shoes.” Lisa and Brian Warner
“Since my purchase of Cinderella Carriage Company in downtown San Diego I have had my horses shod with the HOOF-it Composite Shoe. In the past three years, I have had no lameness problems related to concussion or horse slipping on the asphalt as the composite shoe aid in traction in all weather conditions.” Joe Jeiter
Cinderella Carriage Company San Diego, CA
“I began using plastic shoes on my draft horse that kicked himself in the side of the foot as his confirmation was base narrow, and because of the weight of a steel shoe. In looking for alternatives to protect him from brushing, I found HOOF-it horseshoes in draft size and tried them. I noticed so much growth in his feet, and that he was much more comfortable moving more fluidly, and yes, he stopped brushing and injuring his hind leg.” Christine Amber Owner/Trainer
Application Directions
Nailing Directions
- Trim the hoof to balance.
- Start fitting the HOOF-it® Natural Flex Composite Shoe. When choosing the correct size shoe for your horse, consider choosing a shoe somewhat larger than the hoof as the excess amount will be rasped off later. To remove the toe clip, simply rasp it off.
- Use 2 to 4 standard nails to secure the shoe in place (less nails can result in a healthier hoof). You can also nail through the material or pre-drill holes.
- Rasp any excess shoe width to custom fit the shoe to the hoof.
- Additional nails can be used if needed.
- Clinch the nails to apply the finishing touches.
You are now ready to ride, stable or pasture!
Please note that nailing suggestions are intended for trained farriers only.
Gluing Directions
- Trim the hoof to balance.
- Shape the composite shoe to the proper shape to fit the hoof.
- Rasp the hoof wall where the Hoof Glue will come in contact when the shoe is applied.
- Pay close attention not to touch the hoof wall with your hands anywhere the glue will be applied in order to prevent any oil from your hands getting onto the hoof.
- Apply Hoof Glue to the hoof-bearing surface of the shoe.
- Apply the shoe to the foot and hold for 2 minutes or until the glue is set.
- After the glue is completely set you may rasp the hoof and glue to achieve a smoother surface.
Our commitment is to keep your needs at the center of our business, and your interest in high-quality hoof care as the focal point of all our business decisions. HOOF-it® Technologies employs experienced professionals to ensure quality solutions to hoof care issues. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions regarding our products.