Frankie makes his debut on Desperate Housewives wearing HOOF-it Horseshoes

Frankie was suffering from the abuse of neglect when he was rescued by Homeward Bound. Look at him now! He's making his debut as a movie horse on Desperate Housewives, Sunday, April 3, 2005 at 9pm PT. Frankie is one of nine rescued horses living dignified, healthy lives at Homeward Bound Horse Drawn Carriages in Julian, California. He wears HOOF-it alternative horseshoes and has recovered completely from the effects of neglect because he now gets quality care.

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HOOF-it Plastic Horseshoe

Natural Flex Plastic Horseshoes My dressage horse has two different front feet. Needless to say, he's tricky to shoe. He has to be shod regularly at 5 weeks to prevent his knee height from becoming uneven. The challenge is to prevent his heels from contracting in the more upright hoof. I decided to have my farrier try HOOF-it Natural Flex  alternative horseshoes on his front feet. He's been in them now for two shoeings. Since the composite material of the alternative horse shoes is not as hard as steel or aluminum and the shoe has a frog plate, his hoof growth is more even on each foot. What a great invention! There are lots of horses out there that don't do well standing and working on steel or aluminum shoes. I hope to compete him again this year at 4th Level and PSG.

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